The ongoing for our most precious Joanna “JoJo” Fuller was the second day of April, 2018. Funeral services will be Friday April 6 at Pecan Grove Funeral Home, in Robinson,TX, with Rev. Bobby Kacal officiating. Visitation begins at 9:00 AM and the ceremony will start at 9:45. Burial will follow at Billington Cemetery.
Born on November 4, 1930 to Morris and Anna Belle Merritt Ellison of Billington, Texas near Mt. Calm. Joanna was the second of five children. Her brothers are Billy Morris, Maxie Floyd, and Ronnie Keith Ellison, and sister Bobbie Carolyn Ellison Pedigo, deceased in 2012. Her lifelong sisters-in-law are Betty, Barbara and Sharon and brother-in-law Jack Edward Pedigo and his wife Mary. Joanna’s extraordinary cousins, “the McDonald boys,” are Dwain, Waylon, and Sonny.
Jo Jo was a beautiful petite princess from head to toe and her heart shined bright. She poured her sweet spirit, love, and giving nature onto all.
She adored the terrific bosses spanning her career, Howard Warren,Dr. Fred Grimes, Dr. David Rhoden and Dr. Mark McCall. Every co-worker became a great friend.
Her fond companion was Hugh Bob Fuller from 1987 until his death in 2007.
Joanna and Junior Fuller eloped and were married at 8 am on Christmas Eve, 1950, in Waco. Junior passed away in 1985. Their children are Jim, Tom and Suzanna. Joanna idolized her family.
Loving her evermore are Jim and Sherry Fuller and their son Seth; Tom Fuller and his family, Todd and Valerie Fuller Voll, Jeremy and Melissa Fuller Spillman and their boys Nathan, Edwin, Bennett and Jed; Travis and Allison Fuller Martin and their daughter, Laney; Donnie and Suzanna Fuller Collins and their families, Lawson and Leigh Anne Collins Plemons and Presley and Pace; Weston and Brenn Collins Blackburn, and namesake, Steeley Joanna and Mackee; special family member, Cody Lynch, and forever daughter-in-law, Patsy Lynn Holdrige.